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Zoe Wees zingt over gemis in ‘Hold me like you used to’ | Lied

2 augustus 2022 · 06:00

Update: 5 februari 2025 · 09:53

“Ik wilde je niet verliezen, waarom moest je gaan?” zingt Zoe Wees (20). De Duitse singer-songwriter schrijft ‘Hold me like you used to’ nadat haar overgrootmoeder overlijdt. Een herkenbaar nummer voor iedereen die verlies kent.

Zoe breekt door na haar deelname aan The Voice Kids. De singer-songwriter hoopt dat haar overgrootmoeder haar liedjes nog hoort omdat ze altijd zo trots op haar muziek was. Het lied draagt Zoe op aan haar overgrootmoeder: “Ze was zo’n sterke vrouw en de grappigste persoon die ik ooit gekend heb. Ik voel haar geweldige energie nog steeds. Ze is mijn inspiratie en ik weet dat ze nog bij me is.”

Songtekst ‘Hold me like you used to’ van Zoe Wees

Can you feel that cold coming in?
That old familiar sting
When you know they're gone
But you still hold on to the little things
Mama always told me that the ones that leave
They look down on us in golden wings
I wanna believe it
Tell me, do you believe it?

When we lose the ones we love
I was getting used to, used to
Having you with me, so why you gotta leave?
Just hold me like you used to, used to
Are you looking from above?
I didn't want to lose you, lose you
So why you gotta leave? I need you here with me
Just hold me like you used to, used to

When I lay awake at night
I feel you close to me
Now you're taken from this world
I hope you can finally breathe
Mama always told me that the songs I sing will make you proud
So I'm singing this
So, do you hear it?
I wanna believe it

When we lose the ones we love
I was getting used to, used to
Having you with me, so why you gotta leave?
Just hold me like you used to, used to
Are you looking from above?
I didn't want to lose you, lose you
So why you gotta leave? I need you here with me
Just hold me like you used to, used to

I just wanna take away, take away
All the pain of yesterday, yesterday
I just wanna feel okay, feel okay
I just wanna be okay

When we lose the ones we love
I was getting used to, used to
Having you with me, so why you gotta leave?
Just hold me like you used to, used to
Are you looking from above?
I didn't want to lose you, lose you
So why you gotta leave? I need you here with me
Just hold me like you used to, used to

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