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David Benjamin schrijft ‘Through your eyes’ na het verlies van zijn broer | Lied

24 mei 2022 · 07:15

Update: 9 juni 2022 · 14:42

‘Now all I can say is, I’m missing you all the time’, zingt David Benjamin in zijn auditielied voor de beste singer-songwriter van Nederland in 2014. Hij schrijft het lied na het overlijden van zijn broer door zelfdoding.

David Benjamin doet er twee jaar over om de woorden van 'Through your eyes' op papier te krijgen. In het lied zingt hij over alle gevoelens rondom het verlies van zijn broer: het gemis, de trots, de gelijkenis met hem en de vraag of hij meer voor hem had kunnen doen. 

De jury van de beste singer-songwriter is diep onder de indruk en noemt het lied een monument voor zijn broer en een stuk rouwverwerking in muziek. 

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Songtekst Through your eyes

I looked up, looked up to you in the sky,
You smiled down, the sun was in your eyes,
Those days,
So proud, I was as proud as can be,
Cause I had you watching over me,
So glad, that you were there by our side,

You reply with your brown eyes, so hard to look away,
These were words no one could hear you say

You knew, that you could take on the world,
So cool, nothing you could not do,
Those days, no worries entered your mind,
But years passed, you wouldn't show us your face,
Time flew, I didn't go to your place for a while,

You reply with your brown eyes, so hard to look away,
These were words no one could hear you say

If I really loved you, why couldn't I find the time,
To hug and to hold you, and tell you we'd be just fine,
I look up to you still now, cause you are my brother,
You can tell by the nose and our mother and father,
Now all I can say is,
I'm missing you all the time

You reply with your brown eyes, so hard to look away,
These were words no one could hear you say

If I really loved you, why couldn't I find the time,
To hug and to hold you, and tell you we'd be just fine,
I look up to you still now, cause you are my brother,
You can tell by the nose and our mother and father,
Now all I can say is,
I'm missing you all the time

Through your very eyes, I look to skies
Though your very eyes, Though your very eyes

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